West Pokot County Residents Demand Priority In Aturkan-Sebit Road Construction

By Benson Aswani,

Road Construction PHOTO/Courtsey

West Pokot County residents have asked the Chinese company awarded the contract to construct the Aturkan-Sebit road to consider hiring a resident of West Pokot County as the company’s human resource manager.

Led by Edgar Loshamwoluko, the residents said that if the company considers their request it will be a big boost as it will resolve many challenges affecting the county.

“We are appealing to this company to consider hiring a West Pokot county resident as the company’s human resource manager as this will help boost the status of our county and resolve unemployment challenges we are facing,” said Mr Loshamwoluko.

Loshamwoluko further asked the company to increase the number of West Pokot County residents who will be given a chance to work with the company during the project implementation, considering the better part of the road to be constructed is in West Pokot County.

“The big section of this road is in West Pokot. This gives us the right to demand for a good number of the residents to be given a chance in the company,” he said.

At the same time, he lauded the move of the company’s project manager to repair the Kwa Chief- Kamuino road, which had become a problem for transport activities.

“I want to thank the project manager of this company for considering repairing the Kwa Chief-Kamuino road. We have been experiencing transport challenges for a long time,” he added.