West Pokot County Government Assures Residents Of Its Commitment To Better Health Sector

The County Executive Committee Member (CECM) for health, West Pokot County Paul Woyakapel PHOTO/Aswani

By Emmanuel Oyasi,

The County Executive Committee Member (CECM) for health, West Pokot County Paul Woyakapel has reiterated the commitment of the county government to prioritize the health sector to ensure that the residents get the best health services according to Governor Simon Kachapin’s manifesto.

Speaking on Wednesday at Kodich, Pokot North while launching the campaign for TB vaccination, Mr. Woyakapel said, one of the strategies the county government is putting in place to strengthen the health sector is to ensure there is a health facility after every five kilometers.

“For us, health is a priority even in the governor’s manifesto, and we are looking forward to seeing that within every five kilometers, we have a health facility to serve our people,” said Mr. Woyakapel.

Mr. Woyakapel further assured the residents of Loklelian that the long-awaited dispensary has reached its completion and it is awaiting its official launch before it starts providing medical services.

“The Loklelian dispensary is ready and what is remaining is just to officially open it so as our people may benefit healthwise,” he said.

At the same time, Woyakapel praised the Ampath organization for cooperating with the county government in the health sector, which he said has been of great importance, promising more cooperation for the benefit of the residents.

“I want to appreciate the Ampath team for their commendable work and the partnership they are giving to the county. It has been of great benefit especially to the department of health,” he added.