The Security Department Sets Strategies To Strengthen Border Security In West Pokot County

West Pokot County commissioner Abdulahi Khalif PHOTO/Aswani

By Benson Aswani,

West Pokot County Commissioner Abdulahi Khalif led a security meeting on Tuesday at Kapushen, Pokot south constituency to lay down strategies for curbing cattle rustling at the borders of West Pokot County and the neighboring Elgeyo Marakwet.

Speaking after the meeting with different stakeholders, Mr. Khalif said there are plans to build an Anti-stock Theft Unit camp at Katungoi as one way of ensuring security.

He added that they will cooperate with security stakeholders from Elgeyo Marakwet County by organizing regular meetings to ensure that peace is maintained.

“We are planning to build an Anti-stock Theft Unit camp that will help to curb cattle rustling that has been the main cause of insecurity in this area,” said Mr. Khalif.

Political leaders who attended the meeting led by Weiwei member of county assembly David Moiben committed to cooperate with security personnel in ensuring that the residents carry out their activities in a safe and conducive environment.

“As political leaders, we commit to cooperate with the security department in making sure that our people live peacefully and in coexistence with our neighborhood,” said Mr. Moiben.

The insecurity problem in the borders of west Pokot County and the neighboring Elgeyo Marakwet has been a challenge for quite some time, residents of those areas blaming the security chiefs for not paying attention to their cry, as academic activities continue to be paralyzed.