Stakeholders Hold A Meeting To Mitigate The Effects Of Climate Change In Semi-Arid Areas

By Benson Aswani,

Leaders from various departments in West Pokot County, Turkana County, and neighboring Country Uganda are meeting in a climate change workshop in Moroto District to highlight the effects of climate change.

Speaking while opening a five-day workshop which has been organized by the GIZ SCIDA III, IGAD and ICPAC organizations, Moroto district Resident Deputy Commissioner (RDC) Justine Tugo said the workshop is meant to impart participants with knowledge on how to give early warning to farmers on possible disasters due to climate change.

“It is going to be a good opportunity to train all the stakeholders so that they can be able to give the right information to the pastoral communities on what causes climate change and take caution,” said Mr. Tugo.

He stressed the importance of the workshop due to the fact that most of the residents in the two counties as well as Karamoja which are semi arid areas are pastoralists, who have been going through many challenges as a result of climate change.

“We know that these areas receive little rain every year and this is a big challenge to these communities who are farmers, and also pastoral communities in terms of water and pasture,” he said.

Mr. Tugo further assured the Karamoja residents of enough security due to the presence of enough security troops.

He said now the residents can walk freely at any time from one district to another without fear of attacks.

“Let me assure you that the security in Karamoja has improved as compared to one year ago. People can now move freely at night without any fear,” he added.