Stakeholders Called Upon To Explore Ways Of Ensuring Children Attend Schools

By Benson Aswani,

Education stakeholders in West Pokot County have been called upon to devise strategies to ensure pupils attend classes, aside from relying on school meal programs.

Speaking on Wednesday while launching a school meal distribution exercise at the Holy Cross boys high school, the county education director, West Pokot County Simon Wamae said for a long time, teachers have been relying on food programs to have children in school.

He said it is time for stakeholders to think of ways of making children attend schools.

“Let us think outside the box and try to explore ways. In case the school meal program is not there, does it mean that children will not go to school? We need to think outside the box,” said Mr. Wamae

On his part, the Kacheliba sub-county director of education, Edward Wangamati said the food distributed to school is meant for 45 days calling upon the head teachers to ensure it is utilized according to the distribution plan.

“This meal is meant for 45 days of the school calendar. So we call upon the school managers to ensure proper utilization of this meal,” said Mr. Wangamati.

The area residents, led by Renson Apakamoi, praised the school meal program, saying it has led to the increase in the number of pupils attending classes.

“The number of pupils who attend schools in this area has increased due to this program. We thank the government for introducing this program,” said Apakamoi.

On the other hand, the Kacheliba Assistant County Commissioner, Benjamin Makau, expressed his dismay at the large number of school dropouts asking school head teachers to submit to the chief’s office a list of all students who are not in school.

“There is an issue of school dropouts at a higher rate here in Kacheliba. I want all school head teachers to get a list of all pupils who are out of school and provide it to the chief’s office, who will bring it to me,” said Mr. Makau.