Security Personnel Warned Against Carrying Out Their Duties On Political Grounds

Sigor Member of Parliament Peter Lochakapong PHOTO/Courtsey

By Benson Aswani,

Sigor Member of Parliament, Peter Lochakapong has called on security personnel on the borders of West Pokot and Turkana counties to shun politics while ensuring the security of the residents.

Speaking on Tuesday at an event attended by leaders from the neighboring Turkana County in Sigor, Mr. Lochakapong claimed that some individuals in the peace committee formed to devise ways of curbing insecurity have prioritized politics over security.

The lawmaker said that efforts to ensure peace in volatile areas will be hampered if the parties continue to carry out their duties on political grounds.

“The security committee formed to look into ways of ensuring our people live without fear of bandit attacks should not engage in political affiliations. We have a role to play in ensuring the security of our people,” said Mr. Lochakapong.

In addition, Lochakapong has called on the West Pokot and Turkana County leadership to allocate funds for construction of perimeter walls around schools in volatile areas to ensure the safety of pupils.

“West Pokot and Turkana county Governments should allocate funds to build perimeter walls around schools as one way of protecting our children from these criminals,” he said.

On his side, a member of the county assembly for Kainuk Samwel Aliwo called on leaders and residents of both counties to cooperate with security officers by pointing out criminals who he said are living in the community.

“It is the duty of all of us to make sure that these criminal acts are dealt with. I appeal to leaders and residents of these counties to cooperate with security officers by pointing out those criminals living among us,” said Mr. Aliwo.