Relief for Kacheliba Residents as New Court Construction Plan Kicks Off
By Emmanuel oyasi,
Officials from the Judiciary in West Pokot County have carried out a public awareness exercise in Kapchok area, Kacheliba constituency following the gazettement of plans to open up a court in North Pokot.
Speaking to journalists on Tuesday, the Chief Magistrate of Kapenguria law courts Ochieng Ondego, said this is one of the strategies of the chief justice Martha Koome to ensure that the judiciary complies with the constitution which stipulates that there should be a court in every sub-county.
Ondego stated that the judiciary will make sure that every place in West Pokot County is put into consideration
“This area has been abit marginalized for some reasons, but we hope that everything is catching up and they are being impressed together with the whole country,” said Mr Odego
In addition he noted that there is no single place in the country that should remain behind.
Further, Ondego emphasized on the importance of using the alternative justice system to solve some cases that do not have to be solved in court, in order to reduce the case burden in courts.
“We are encouraging an alternative justice system because we have come to realize that most of the matters that are in our courts would be better handled from the alternative systems,” he said.
The move was praised by the locals led by Peter Lomerng’ura, who said that the construction of the court in the area will be of great importance for it will cut the cost of traveling to Kapenguria to seek justice.
“This court will help us a lot in cutting costs of travelling to Kapenguria in search of justice. We thank the judiciary for this move,” said Mr. Lomerng’ura.