Peace Campaign Continues In Kerio Valley.

Winners being awarded at the Peace Campaign in Chesta PHOTO/Benson Aswani

By Benson Aswani,

Peace activists in Pokot West County have organized sports events in Chesta, Chesogon and the neighboring counties of Elgeyo Marakwet and Turkana as one way to ensure peace is maintained among the residents of those areas.

Speaking at the launch of the games, one of the organizers Naphtali Korir said they are using the championship to strengthen relationships among young people from all sides, using the opportunity to encourage young people to get involved in activities that will benefit them in life and stop angaging in cattle rustling.

“We have organized sports event in this area of ​​Chesta to bring together young people from West Pokot, Turkana and Elgeyo Marakwet counties in an effort to ensure that they live in peace and strengthen good relations among themselves,” said Korir.

The stakeholders said that they chose to organize the games in the Chesogon region due to the fact that it is the most affected by cases of cattle rustling, and it also borders the three counties of the Kerio valley.

“We chose to organize these games in this area of ​​Chesta because it borders these three counties and it will be easy to gather young people from all these counties in these games,” he said.

On his part, the manager of Masol conservancy Benson Mokit said that it is through the event that most of the young people are being trained to be ambassadors of peace in the community considering that most of them are still students.

“After this event, these young people will be good ambassadors regarding peace issues, especially considering that most of them are still students,” said Mokit.