MP Moroto Launches Education Bursary Worth Ksh 47 Milion

By Cynthia Lodite,
Kapenguria Member of Parliament Samwel Chumel Moroto has on Monday 4th March 2024 launched education bursary.
In a function held at St Catherine’s Chepnyal girls, the area MP launched Ksh47,000,000, an amount which is aimed at benefiting students from West Pokot County.
Worth noting is that the Ksh 47 Millions fund is expected to benefit at least Nine thousand two hundred and twenty eight students from Kapenguria constituency.
While making his address Moroto noted that the education bursary will help reduce the interruptions of students in school due to lack of school fees.
“All students will now continue with their school work without interruptions,” said Moroto.
In addition alongside the bursary launch the constituency boss also donated a school bus to St Catherine Chepnyal Girls Secondary.
Similarly, other West Pokot County leaders present at the launch included Senator Julius Murgor, Woman Representative, Rael Aleutum,Sigor Member of Parliament Peter Lochakapong, Former Governor John Lonyangapuo, and Former Mp Kacheliba Mark Lomunokol.
Leaders present made their remarks on residents supporting the National government, led by Senator Murgor who asked residents to unite and support the current regime.
“Residents of Sook ward should embrace on unity to receive more developments from their leaders of County government and national,” said Murgor.
Likewise West Pokot former governor Prof.John Lonyang’apuo called on West Pokot residents to support Wiliam Ruto’s regime.
“Lets support current leadership of Wiliam Samoe Ruto,” said Lonyanga’puo.
On the other hand the function was as well attended by Kimilili Member of Parliament Didmas Barasa who echoed on the importance of education for children.
While making his remarks Barasa urged parents to take their children to school particularly the girl child.
Meanwhile, other present leaders were the CDF members of staff Kapenguria and Education Stage holder, some CEC’S and some MCA’s CDF office Kapenguria and Education Stake holders, some CEC’S and some MCA’s.