A Section of Scholars in West Pokot Step Up For Peace Keeping Mission

Cheptulel residents seated under a tree during the peace sensitization mission.PHOTO/Courtesy

By Benson Aswani,

A group of scholars from West Pokot and Marakwet Counties have demonstrated an urge to maintain peace among the communities by bringing up peace initiatives.

Worth noting is that the peace initiatives that took place on Wednesday 20th March, comes at the heights of border conflicts in the regions.

The Scholars led by Festus Tingaa, who is the coordinating officer in the office of the West Pokot county Governor Simon Kachapin addressed Cheptulel residents on the matter.

Meanwhile, the Pokot and Marakwet communities are encouraged to live in peace and harmony in order to provide a chance for development projects to be continued and normalcy to be restored in border areas where conflicts are witnessed.

Speaking after organizing a meeting between elders and youth in the Cheptulel area, representatives of a group of scholars and advisers from Cheptulel led by Tingaa, said the group is committed to organizing a dialogue.

In addition the leaders also noted that more conversations will be initiated between the herders from the Pokot and Marakwet communities so that lasting peace can be found.

“We have met young people and we have seen that they are people who love peace. They have wanted to meet their colleagues from the Marakwet community, sit down and talk so that we can find a solution that will bring lasting peace between these two communities,” said Ting’aa.

On the other hand, Ting’aa also noted that for a long time the area has been lagging behind developmentally.

Further noting that it is sad to see that up until now some schools are still closed, residences and markets remain displaced due to the deterioration of the security situation.

However, he praised the efforts being made by the government, stakeholders and local leaders to try to control the situation.

“The lack of security that is witnessed in the border areas of these two counties has led those areas to remain far behind in development. As we speak now, there are schools that are still closed due to this situation,” he said.