Leaders Asked To Shy From Remarks That May Ignite Disputes Among West Pokot And Turkana Counties

Seker Member of County Assembly West Pokot County Jane Mengich PHOTO/Courtsey

By Benson Aswani,

Seker Member of County Assembly, West Pokot County Jane Mengich has called on political leaders from the neighboring Turkana County to refrain from statements that may provoke divisions among residents of the two counties.

Speaking to Kalya Digital, Mengich asked the leaders to set a good example by preaching peace and harmony among the residents.

Mrs. Mengich was responding to remarks made by Turkana County Women representative Cecilia Asinyen Ngitit concerning the boundaries of the two counties where she claimed some parts of Turkana to have been grabbed by West Pokot County.

“I call upon leaders to be a good example to our people. We should shy away from statements that may ignite disputes among our people,” said Mrs. Mengich.

At the same time, Mrs. Mengich called on the government through relevant institutions to intervene and determine the boundaries of the two counties to put a stop to boundary-based conflicts among the residents of these counties.

“We want the relevant institutions to determine the boundaries of these counties to end conflicts that have cost lives,” she remarked.

Her statements were echoed by scholars from West Pokot County led by Titus Krop who emphasized the need of the residents of the two counties to live in peace as every Kenyan has the right to live anywhere.

“I ask our people to prioritize peace and stop engaging in conversations that may spark conflicts. Every Kenyan has a right to live anywhere across the country,” said Mr. Krop.