Murgor: There is no enmity between the Pokot and Turkana communities

West Pokot Senator Julius Murgor.PHOTO/Courtesy

West Pokot County Senator Julius Murgor has dismissed allegations of hostility between the Pokot community and their Turkana neighbors.

Speaking at the Amakuriat Catholic Church in Alale, Senator Murgor said that the two communities have been living in peace for many years, and that the cases of insecurity witnessed in some border areas of the two counties are caused by a few criminals who do not want peace.

According to Murgor, these two communities have been cooperating in ensuring that livestock stolen by criminals from both sides are found and returned.

“Inhabitants of the Pokot community cooperate well with their colleagues from the Turkana community. Only a few criminals are causing insecurity in these areas. We have witnessed Pokot residents returning livestock that are stolen from Turkana county, as well as Turkana community residents doing the same,” said Murgor.

In addition, Murgor mentioned the areas of Apuke towards Turkwel as witnessing cases of insecurity perpetrated by suspected cattle thieves, explaining the need for both counties to cooperate to ensure that this crime is eradicated.

“From a place called Apuke to Turkwel, there are cases of insecurity. And this is where we need cooperation between the leaders of this county and the neighboring county of Turkana to ensure that this crime is faced,” he said.