Public Views to be Prioritized in Budget Preparation Process

Residents of West Pokot County attending the Finance dialogue at Kacheliba.PHOTO/Aswani

By Benson Aswani.

The finance and economic planning County executive committee member (CEC) West Pokot county Joshua Ruto on Wednesday led a public participation exercise in the 2024/25 budget making process in Suom ward, Kacheliba sub county.

During the discussions, water, health, roads and education were the top issues that the residents wanted to be prioritized when making the budget.

“Some of the issues that were given priority in public participation exercise in Swam ward were water, health, roads and education. And since this area has been behind for a while, these are the things that should be highlighted,” said Mr. Ruto.

Likewise, the controller of budget West Pokot county, Isaac Ritakau, said the county government has given the platform to the residents through  this forum, to express their opinions and help the government to prepare a budget that will be public driven.

“These meetings are very important for the public because they give them a platform to express their opinions which will help the government understand their needs and prepare a budget that will take into account the views of the public,” said Mr. Ritakau.

At the same time, the Topoywo youth group led by Silas Lolem wanted strategies to be put in place to address the challenges facing the youth, by funding projects that will help them grow economically, and avoid getting involved in activities that may affect their lives.

“This budget should focus on strategies to tackle challenges that young people face, through financing projects that will help them grow economically,” said Lolem.