Kacheliba MP Lotee Raises Complains on Teachers Shortage in North Pokot

Kacheliba Constituency Titus Lotee making his remarks in Kang’oletiang.PHOTO/Aswani.

By Benson Aswani,

Member of Parliament for Kacheliba constituency in West Pokot County Hon Titus Lotee has raised complains concerning tearchers employment in Pokot North.

According to the legislator, there is a huge shortage of teachers in the area, a situation he says is endangering the future of education for students in schools within the constituency.

Speaking on Tuesday in the Kango’iletiang area of Kasei ward, Lotee gave an example of the ward which he says has only four teachers who are employed by the TSC teacher service commission, while parents have to pay other teachers who volunteer to serve the students.

“We are facing a serious shortage of teachers in this area, for example in this ward of Kasei we have only four teachers who are employed by TSC, while the other teachers are paid by parents,” said Lotee

In addition, Lotee claimed that the Kacheliba constituency has been isolated despite the fact that it contributes a large percentage of the resources available in the West Pokot county, calling on the National Government to ensure that the constituency is highlighted in a progressive manner.

“This area of ​​Kacheliba contributes greatly to the resources available in this West Pokot county, but it is a sad thing that we have been left out in terms of development,” he said.

Lotee’s statement was echoed by Kapchok ward representative Peter Lokor who noted that important institutions of the area including schools and hospitals do not have electricity, a situation that has crippled important services for the residents of those areas.

“Essential services in this area have been severely disrupted due to the lack of electricity in important educational institutions and hospitals. The government should focus on this issue as soon as possible,” said Lokor.