About us
Kalya FM is licensed by Communications Commission of Kenya (CCK) and registered by the registrar of companies of Kenya. Kalya FM is owned by Elgonet Communications Technologies Limited and is situated in Makutano, Kapenguria and its offices are at Kapenguria Teachers Plaza, 3rd floor with its trading office located in Nairobi’s Agip House, ground floor inside Photo House Studios Limited
The aim of Kalya FM is to focus on issues that bear directly on its hundreds of thousands of its listeners on issues affecting the environment, women rights, drug abuse, education, and community awareness among other issues.
Although Kalya FM is not the first vernacular radio broadcasting in West Pokot, but it is the only radio station broadcasting in a blend of Pokot, Sabaot and Kiswahili languages. In so doing, Kalya FM puts the tools of Communication into the hands of the communities and enables them to express their culture, receive entertainment, news and information as well as engage in dialogue and development.
We pride ourselves as a tool that creates public awareness on health, the environment and a range of local issues and focus on poverty alleviation, conflict resolution, HIV/Aids, gender empowerment, human right, civic education and democracy.
Location & Coverage
Kalya FM is located in Kapenguria, West Pokot County Kenya with its transmission studio strategically located at Makutano Kapenguria and it covers the following counties: West Pokot county, Trans-Nzoia County, Uasin-Gishu County, Bungoma County, Kakamega County and Elgeiyo Marakwet county. We also reach parts of Turkana County, Baringo County, Busia County, Kisumu county and eastern parts of Uganda including Kapnandi, Tororo, Moroto ,Kapchai and Bukwa. Kalya FM Radio covers an approximate potential of 4.6 million listeners in Kenya with at least 2.5 million of these tuning in to our broadcasts at any given time.
Kalya FM runs for 24 hours in a blend of Kiswahili, Pokot and Sabaot languages meant to complement each other to reach a wider audience with an all-round programming that caters for the youth, old, literate, illiterate both in rural and urban areas done by young talented, self-driven, innovative, excellent, zealous and dynamic professionals with the production, broadcasting and presentation anchored on active community & media participation, advocacy and education in thematic areas of:
- Spiritual growth & Behavior change
- Community empowerment & development
- Media advocacy on Community health, rights & education
- Agriculture& food security
- Livelihood

We offer a series of well thought out radio activations, live radio programs, recorded programs, spot adverts, live take shows, on ground live links, road shows, sponsorships and presenter mentions to ensure we get to the right people at the right time through our programs.
Why Partner With Kalya FM?
Kalya FM is a competitive radio brand providing top quality broadcast, production & programming in the Western and North Rift regions in Kenya and the Eastern Region of Uganda.
We have a wide & ready market because of its high listenership in the area of coverage enhanced by its transmission & studio strategic location in Kapenguria-Kenya a densely populated region agricultural, cosmopolitan, business oriented, surrounded by academic institutions & working population both in rural & urban communities.